Legal Separation

The process of legal separation is identical to that of dissolution of marriage in Missouri except that your marriage remains intact at the end of the process. You might consider this option if your religion prohibits divorce, or if one spouse is in need of continued health insurance from the other spouse. It is also an option if you believe your marriage might be able to be saved after a significant period of separation, but you need the protection of the orders of the court dividing assets and liabilities.

Legal SeparationWhat’s important to remember about legal separation is that the assets and debts of the marriage will be divided and your financial obligations to your spouse determined by orders of the court. A parenting plan and child support obligations will also be determined. This results in the same type of court orders as a divorce. Legal separation can be changed into a dissolution of marriage at any time during the process, and if the court has already entered a judgment of legal separation, that judgment must be on file for 90 days before a judgment of dissolution of marriage can be entered.

To make an appointment, please call us at 816-256-5440.

We are available to help you with your family law or estate planning needs in the following Missouri counties: Buchanan and Andrew.

Kiske Law Office, LLC
10525 N. Ambassador Dr.
Ste. 208
Kansas City, MO 64153
Phone: 816-256-5440
Fax: 816-298-8855

Kiske Law Office, LLC
1911 Jules St.
St. Joseph, MO 64501
Phone: 816-256-5440
Fax: 816-298-8855
Click here to email us

Office hours: Monday-Thursday 9 am – 5 pm and Friday 9 am – 12 pm

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